“If you open yourself to seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary then the whole world becomes a gallery”
Baz Luhrmann

We believe that creativity is everywhere.
That it isn’t limited to studios and galleries, and when you open your eyes to the magic in the everyday, even the most familiar moments are rich with beauty and inspiration.
Together with Baz Luhrmann, we are inviting people to reframe the world around them, and see the creativity in the everyday.

Continuing our mission with Baz Luhrmann to inspire people to discover the creativity and beauty that exists all around us, World Creativity Day 2023 markED the launch of THE SAW THIS MADE THIS INSTALLATION SERIES.
Installations at the design museum in london (APril 21-24 2023) and at the Chelsea Factory in New York (May 11-13 2023) celebrateD thousands of artworks shared via #SawThisMadeThis since Baz Luhrmann issued A creative call-to-arms.
Ai-Da, the world’s first ultra realistic robot artist exploreD how Artificial Intelligence can enrich and enable human creativity at scale.
bringing together thousands of different creative perspectives INTO AN ITERATIVE SERIES OF collaborative ARTWORKS At The WORlD’S LARGEST MASS-PARTICIPATION A.I. ART EVENT.
AND NOW HER FINAL PIECE, PAINTED live at chelsea factory in new york, is yours to KEEP for free. Simply download the Image from THE LINK BELOW.